Is it time for a
Tough Talk
with one of your team?
Get this FREE guide to confidently tackling
any difficult conversation with your employees.
(even if you hate confrontation)

Are you a difficult conversation avoider?
You're not alone, if you've managed people for any length of time, you will have had to engage in a conversation that was difficult, challenging, awkward, confrontational or the perfect storm of all of these things.
You've possibly also experienced:
Being kept up at night stressing about the problem and how you can have the conversation;
Feeling angry and frustrated that you even need to speak to them about this;
Other team members complaining and asking why nothing is being done;
A sick feeling in the pit of your stomach at the thought of talking to this person;
Anxiety, increased heart rate, sweaty palms, headaches and nervous tension.
There is both good and bad news:
The bad news: By putting it off, none of these things go away, in fact they are likely to get worse!
The good news: It is possible to have these conversations without the sky falling in, and in fact you will feel better for it.
Grab your free guide to tackling tough conversations which will walk you through a simple, step by step framework for handling any hard conversation you need to have.
Don't put it off another day, grab your guide and confidently have the discussion today.

Take back control!
This Guide will give you the exact step by step framework you need to tackle any tough talk with confidence. Whether it's a performance management discussion, the delicate issue of personal hygiene, delivering bad news, or anything in between.
Confrontation can be daunting and uncomfortable - I get it! But consider the alternative ... what happens if you do nothing?
- The problem gets worse...
- It impacts the rest of the team...
- Productivity drops...
- You get more and more frustrated...
It's time to take back control of your business and your team.
You've got this.
Get My Tough Talks Guide Now