How to Screen Resumes like a Ninja!

podcast May 27, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 119 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today's episode I am sharing with you my 5 part framework for screening resumes likes a Ninja!
I know many of you will find yourself overwhelmed with the volume of applications you may receive when next recruiting, and in fact any time you advertise a position, and I also know how easy it is to slip down the rabbit hole and lose literally hours and hours of time agonising over the details of a resume.
This 5 part framework is one I have developed over the 20+ years I have spent reviewing resumes and recruiting for roles. I will challenge you in this episode to take off your 'people pleaser' hat and become a little more focused, ruthless and even cynical!
To help keep you on track when you next are overwhelmed with the resume screening process I’ve created this step by step guide to walk you through the framework next time you need to use it, download your free copy here - Get My Framework
As always, if you have questions, comments or would like to start a conversation head on over to Facebook where you can ask a question, make a comment or send me a message directly at
Join us next week as we take a detailed look at how to return your team to a COVID safe workplace.

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