Are You Looking for an Exit Sign?

podcast Feb 23, 2022
Hello and welcome to Episode 102 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we’re chatting about something that might seem a little taboo – but I don’t think it needs to be, and that is when is it the right time to look for an exit sign for one of your team.
Don’t get me wrong, this is not a decision to take lightly, and yes you need to make sure you’re following all of the required workplace legislation, wherever you are located, but sometimes it’s the best thing for you and the employee in question.
Today we discuss the scenarios that are likely to have you questioning whether it’s time to look for an exit strategy for this person.
We also discuss the signs to look out for in your employee if they are looking to make a move. These signs are absolutely not direct, and often quite subtle, but they absolutely tell you that the person is checked out, and may be actively looking to exit the business.
Importantly, we also looked into what the repercussions are if you put it off, don’t take action and don’t exit someone when you really need to. The consequences can be far more difficult to deal with than the actual exit.
As promised in today’s episode, I have a brand new resource for you to help you identify what sort of problem employee you have, and what the solution is to that specific type of problem employee. Is an exit strategy right or is it something else entirely?
Whether the problems are subtle or obvious, to do with skills, attitude, behaviour or performance this guide has the answers for you.

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