Sometimes the rules irritate me too

podcast Sep 09, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 26 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
At the beginning of todays episode I let you in on a little secret, and whilst we are still about 8 weeks away from launching I wanted to let you know that our brand new program to help you design, build, nurture and grow your People Powered Business is on its way!
I am super excited about this, it’s based on an idea that has been swimming around in my head for years, but getting the mix right has taken some time to really solidify in my brain. However, what we are creating is the first of it’s kind and I can not wait to bring it to life! If you want to be the first to know all of the details, you can join the wait list here - Join The Wait List Now
Today I am sharing with you some of my ‘pet peeves’ when it comes to workplace legislation in Australia. The things that really just frustrate me and get under my skin, because they create unnecessary complexity for employers in the already complex world of business.
Have you experienced these or do you have other elements of the Fair Work Act, Modern Awards or any of the other rules around employing staff that really bother you? I’d love to know, send me an email and tell me more [email protected]
If you’d like to reach out to us with feedback or suggestions or ideas about future topics for the podcast you can reach us on Facebook at or you can email Kristy-Lee directly at [email protected]

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