The Latest from Kristy-Lee

Creating a COVID Safe Workplace

podcast Jun 03, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 12 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today's episode we discuss what a COVID safe workplace looks like and how we as employers, business owners and leaders can create a plan to return our teams to a work environment and structure which is as safe as possible in the current environment.
As promised I have a list of resources to assist you in creating a COVID safe return to work plan and I’ve put them below for you.
However, if you’d like me to make that easier for you and send you one email with all of the relevant information in it simply reach out to me directly at [email protected] and let me know you want the resources and I’ll send you a personal email with the details you need. If you let me know your industry I will try and keep it as specific and relevant for you.
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How to Screen Resumes like a Ninja!

podcast May 27, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 119 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today's episode I am sharing with you my 5 part framework for screening resumes likes a Ninja!
I know many of you will find yourself overwhelmed with the volume of applications you may receive when next recruiting, and in fact any time you advertise a position, and I also know how easy it is to slip down the rabbit hole and lose literally hours and hours of time agonising over the details of a resume.
This 5 part framework is one I have developed over the 20+ years I have spent reviewing resumes and recruiting for roles. I will challenge you in this episode to take off your 'people pleaser' hat and become a little more focused, ruthless and even cynical!
To help keep you on track when you next are overwhelmed with the resume screening process I’ve created this step by step guide to walk you through the framework next time you need to use it, download your free copy here...
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Are you tolerating too much? With Special Guest Shandra Moran

podcast May 20, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 10 of the People Powered Business Podcast! In today's episode we were fortunate to have a very special guest, Shandra Moran.
Shandra is a Professional Results Coach, internationally accredited money breakthrough coach, co-author of an international bestselling book ‘Elevate Your Success’ and Founder of the Transit Lounge, a boutique leadership consultancy which specialises in working with women who have had a successful career and want to transition into starting and growing their own business.
The inspiration for todays discussion in fact came from one of Shandra’s very own podcast episodes on her podcast, The Transit Lounge, where she was exploring the concept of tolerance, you can take a listen to that episode here.
So I thought what better person to have on the show to talk about the issue of tolerance amongst managers and employees than Shandra herself.
As discussed, managing what we tolerate in...
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Successful Leaders Do These Things

podcast May 13, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 9 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today's episode we’re discussing the common habits traits and practices of successful leaders.
We’ll walk through some specific habits that research tells us successful leaders implement and practice, and also consider leaders we have experienced or look up to and see how these practices apply to them.
As promised in this weeks’ episode we are offering you a free Leadership Habit Creator worksheet, to help you develop and improve your own amazing leadership habits simply click here to get your free copy - Get My Leadership Habit Creator
As always, if you have questions, comments or would like to start a conversation head on over to Facebook where you can ask a question, make a comment or send me a message directly at
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Staying Connected

podcast May 05, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 8 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today's episode we’re talking about staying connected when we are physically disconnected. Right now, at the time of recording, we are all experience the global COVID-19 pandemic, and what that has meant is that very suddenly we have shifted to working from home and being isolated from our teams, colleagues and friends.
Keeping connected with your team throughout this time is still absolutely possible, and in fact making a real effort to work on this connection is critically important to ensuring we maintain engagement and team cohesiveness in new and different ways.
In todays episode I walk you through some really practical ways you can re build and maintain connection whilst physically disconnected. Plus, I’ve created a simple to follow Connection Strategies Guide which you can download here for free - Get My Guide
As always, if you have questions, comments or...
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The Boss of all HR Documents - Position Descriptions

podcast Apr 29, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 7 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today's episode we’re talking about the boss of all HR documents, the king, the head honcho, the numero uno – Position Descriptions.
As you’ll hear I am pretty passionate about the importance of these documents and I will walk you through:
  • What is a Position Description?
  • Why are they important?
  • When do I need to do them?
  • What should be in them?
To help you create position descriptions for your business I’ve created a really easy checklist to walk you through it step by step. If you’ve already got Position Descriptions in place this is a great tool for you to check that you have everything covered, download your free Position Description Checklist here - Get My Position Description Checklist
As always, if you have questions, comments or would like to start a conversation head on over to Facebook where you can ask a question, make a comment...
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Understanding the Legislation

podcast Apr 22, 2020


Hello and welcome to Episode 6 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today's episode I unpack the legislative framework that underpins Industrial Relations in Australia and explain how it applies in your business, including some of the common mistakes and misconceptions I see businesses struggle with. We discuss the Fair Work Act, the National Employment Standards, the Modern Award system and the recent, temporary changes which have been made to cater for workforce changes which have happened as a result of COVID-19.
If you are feeling overwhelmed or uncertain about whether this legislation applies to you or want to make sure you have the right information for your business I offer listeners during this episode a free 15 minute Zoom or phone call where they can have their questions answered by me completely complimentary. To take advantage of this offer all you need to do is email me directly at [email protected] and let me know you’d...
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Business Owners Mental Health and Wellbeing with Leanne Faulkner

podcast Apr 10, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 5 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today's episode we have our first guest interview, Leanne Faulkner – Founder of Fortitude at Work.
Join me as I discuss with Leanne the impact of mental health on small to medium sized business owners, talk through some strategies and tactics she recommends and uncover the importance of you as the business owner taking care of your own wellbeing for the good of you and your business.
If you’d like to connect with Leanne her website is:
As promised we also have some great resource pages for you to take a look at if you’d like to get some advice or see what support is out there, these are:
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Remote Work Success Secrets

podcast Apr 08, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 4 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today's episode we discuss how to successfully implement great remote work arrangements whilst maintaining productivity and engagement.
Join me as I walk you through my step by step guide to creating effective work from home arrangements and discuss your role as a leader when transitioning to remote work. In addition, we unpack some sanity saving tips for anyone who is new to remote work, especially when working from home.
If you are looking to set up remote and work from home arrangements for your business I’ve created an easy to follow step by step guide to help you get started. Download your free copy here:
Next weeks episode is one you definitely don’t want to miss! I’ll be interviewing Leanne Faulkner, founder of Fortitude at Work, join me to learn about Leanne’s story and the great work...
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Understanding Employee Engagement

podcast Apr 01, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 3 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today's episode we discuss Employee Engagement.
We investigate what it is, how to identify highly engaged employees and the warning signs to look out for with disengaged employees in your business.
To help you with implementing some really simple changes within your business to improve employee engagement I have created this free download for you with 8 ways to improve engagement with your team, click here to get your free copy:
Join us next week as we discuss how to create great working from home arrangements for you and your team, and how to keep everyone engaged and productive whilst working remotely or from home.
As always, if you have questions, comments or would like to start a conversation head on over to Facebook where you can ask a question, make a comment or send me a message directly at ...
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