The Latest from Kristy-Lee

How and Why We Measure Employee Turnover

podcast Aug 14, 2024
People Powered Business
How and Why We Measure Employee Turnover

Hello and welcome to Episode 232 of the People Powered Business Podcast.

Today we are taking a look at an important HR metric that every organisation should be measuring – employee turnover.

We start by defining employee turnover, and the different types of turnover we may want to measure.

We then look at why it’s such an important metric to measure, no matter the size of your business.

And then is share the simple way to calculate your current turnover rate.

As always, I’d love you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can learn more about what’s working for you and any challenges you might be having.

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Attracting Top Talent in a Tough Market

blog Aug 12, 2024

What are you doing to attract the right applicants in a tough market?
Hiring right in a tough market isn’t anything new but we are experiencing a particularly challenging period for attracting great applicants to roles across the board.

If you’ve hired in recent years, or are in the process of hiring in certain industries or locations right now, you’ll know what we’re talking about.


For some roles, gone are the days where you would be inundated with applications, right now it’s looking more like a dried-up oasis. Even the bad applications aren’t coming through.


You don’t always want to hire anyone as a stop-gap because they could create more damage to your business and team in the long-run. It’s still incredibly important to be considered and strategic with your recruitment processes.


Business owners and managers alike are frustrated, desperate for help and uncertain about how to continue without finding the right...

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The Importance of Workplace Wellbeing with Ange Fragiacomo

podcast Aug 07, 2024
People Powered Business
The Importance of Workplace Wellbeing with Ange Fragiacomo

Hello and welcome to Episode 231 of the People Powered Business Podcast!

Today I am delighted to be joined by guest expert Ange Fragiacomo from Conscious Living Hub to talk Workplace Wellbeing.

Ange has over 20 years of experience in the wellbeing space, and is dedicated to supporting workplaces in enhancing their organisational wellbeing. Ange’s wholistic program offers an opportunity to assess current workplace practices, identify business needs, and evaluate team functionality. By fostering honest conversations and empowering organisations to find immediate solutions, Ange facilitates meaningful change at all levels.


If you’d like to connect with Ange you can visit her website here:


An Invitation

Would you like to connect with other like-minded business owners, leaders and managers experiencing similar situations with their team? Join the discussion inside our free Facebook Group – HR Support for Australian...

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What Are You Tolerating From Your Team?

blog Aug 05, 2024

We all know the feeling, we’re losing sleep, we’re avoiding the person at work, we’re angry, frustrated and tearing our hair out. We have an employee who is not performing, not showing up how we want them to at work or behaving in a negative way, a way that isn’t sitting right with you.


We can’t always quite put our finger on the exact issue, it’s just not quite right, but it’s wrong enough to be consuming our time and attention. Or maybe it is more obvious, but we feel like we’re going over the top if we bring it up – we don’t want them to feel like we are micromanaging them or pulling them up for something that feels petty and insignificant (yet the fact that it’s consuming our time and attention does in fact mean that at some level it is significant to us).


So, we tolerate it, whether it’s behaviour, attendance, performance or something else, we tolerate it. We think maybe it’s not that...

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Changes to Casual Employment – Coming Soon

podcast Jul 31, 2024
People Powered Business
Changes to Casual Employment – Coming Soon

Hello and welcome to Episode 230 of the People Powered Business Podcast.

Today we are taking a look at yet another legislative change that is upon us – this time relating to casual employees.

We start by discussing what these key changes are including:

  • The new definition of a casual employee;
  • The fact that the contract is no longer king;
  • The need to consider the totality of the employment relationship;
  • The obligation of employers to get the engagement right from the outset;
  • The new casual conversion pathway;
  • Updates to the provision of a new Casual Employment Information Statement.

We then take a look at the risks, and incredible fines, that employers may face if they get this wrong.

Finally we discuss how these changes impact your current casual team members.

As always, I’d love you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can learn more about what’s working for you and any challenges you might be having.

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Ready to Break Free from Micromanagement

blog Jul 29, 2024

What is micromanagement at work?

Micromanagement at work refers to a management style that is typically excessive and controlling and usually exercised by a supervisor or manager. This management style focuses heavily on task-specific elements while often neglecting the bigger picture, such as overall outcomes, staff development, and collaborative teamwork.


Micromanagement can impede team efficiency and arise from several underlying factors. These factors usually encompass a lack of confidence in team members' competencies, a tendency to seek control due to apprehension or self-doubt, and a need to maintain close oversight to ensure tasks meet personal expectations.


Micromanagement frequently emerges when leaders encounter challenges in effectively delegating tasks, motivating their team, and fostering a culture of accountability. Although the motivations behind micromanagement might be rooted in aspirations for success, the approach inadvertently restricts autonomy,...

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Managing the Complex World of Sick Leave

podcast Jul 24, 2024
People Powered Business
Managing the Complex World of Sick Leave

Hello and welcome to Episode 229 of the People Powered Business Podcast.

Today we are answering another listeners question which is: what can I do when an employee is taking sick leave but I know they are not actually sick?

Sick and Carers Leave can be one of the trickiest types of leave to manage, and because it is a protected workplace right, there is often little an employer can do if they think an employee is using sick leave for other purposes.

In this episode we unpack what Sick and Carers leave is, and what the entitlement each employee has to this sort of leave. 

We discuss an employers rights if they feel sick leave is being used inappropriately.

And finally we look at what we can do to protect our businesses around excessive and inappropriate sick leave usage.

As always, I’d love you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can learn more about what’s working for you and any challenges you might be having.


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The Value of a Code of Conduct

blog Jul 22, 2024

Policies that support your business and team

If you run a business or an organisation, the Code of Conduct is one policy you want to invest in.

Creating policies for your business might not be the most exciting task, we get it – but some guidelines are essential, and this is one of them.

 Having a code underpins and informs almost everything your business does, from communication best practices to acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. In this blog post, we explore what a Code of Conduct is, where and why it's useful, and how it can significantly benefit your business.


What is a Code of Conduct?

A Code of Conduct is a formal document that outlines the guiding principles, standards, and behavioural expectations for all team members within your organisation. It serves as a set of rules and guidelines that govern interactions, communications, and behaviour between employees, management, and other stakeholders.


A well-designed Code of Conduct promotes ethical...

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Should Employees Work Out Their Notice Period?

podcast Jul 17, 2024
People Powered Business
Should Employees Work Out Their Notice Period?

Hello and welcome to Episode 228 of the People Powered Business Podcast.

Today we’re chatting about something that I can’t quite believe we have never discussed on the podcast – whether an employee should work through their notice period.

Today I discuss what notice period might apply and when notice needs to be provided, I share some thoughts on what your notice periods should look like and we cover off whether employees get to make their own decisions on their notice period and what should happen during this time.

Then we shift focus to whether you should have an employee work through their notice period, or pay them out in lieu. I share my considerations when making decisions about this, and that it’s something to very much consider on a case by case basis.

As always, I’d love you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can learn more about what’s working for you and any challenges you might be...

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2 Types of Motivation – Why Most Business Owners Focus on the Wrong One

blog Jul 15, 2024

Understanding Motivation:

Understanding how to motivate your team can be one of the biggest challenges business owners, managers and leaders face. Finding the right people for your business is just the first step, once you have the players in place, getting the most out of them, motivating them and pushing for greater productivity and motivation is an ongoing pain point which can often feel like some sort of secret witchcraft.


Our Usual Default:

For many managers, when thinking of ways to motivate staff, our automatic default is to entice them with some form of incentive, or show them recognition with some sort of gift, reward or show of gratitude. Some people even think that the bigger the gesture, the more expensive the gift or reward, the higher the motivation should be.


Then, after outlaying the money, expecting a huge return on their investment by achieving high motivation across the team, they are disappointed, frustrated and resentful that their efforts have had...

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Secure Your Place for Just $47

In this 90 minute Masterclass you will learn the exact step by step process to conducting reviews that inspire action and drive performance, even if i's something you've struggled with or avoided in the past.