The Latest from Kristy-Lee

HR Options for Small to Medium Sized Businesses

podcast Jun 29, 2022
People Powered Business
HR Options for Small to Medium Sized Businesses
Hello and welcome to Episode 120 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
As mentioned in today’s episode, we are currently welcoming new businesses to People Powered HR, if you’d like to know more simply click this link:
People Powered HR is the place to get expert HR advice, at your fingertips, for less than $25 per week. If you’re looking to get the knowledge, tools and resources to handle anything at all to do with your team with complete confidence, People Powered HR is the answer.
Today we discussed HR options for small businesses – if you employ less than 50-100 staff is HR something you need to worry about, and if so how do you deal with this?
As I shared in this episode if you employ staff, you have HR, and doing nothing is the worst possible option. Sticking your head in the sand is never the answer!
And Internal HR Manager is not always a great answer for a small business either, and I share some of the reaso...
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The 3 Biggest Mistakes Business Owners Make with Their Teams

podcast Jun 22, 2022
People Powered Business
The 3 Biggest Mistakes Business Owners Make with Their Teams
Hello and welcome to Episode 119 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today's episode I am sharing the 3 biggest mistakes I see business owners and managers make when it comes to their team.
As mentioned, if you’d like to learn more and go deeper on these challenges, I’d love you to join me in the free Sack Them or Save Them Masterclass which I’m running online on the 28th June.
In Sack Them or Save Them we are going to look at the different type of problem employees you may have in your business, and I’m going to show you how to identify what sort of problems you’re dealing with and the solution for your specific problem. We are also going to look at the specific next action steps you need to take to turn this person around.
Plus, I’m going to be sharing the 5 biggest mistakes business owners make when dealing with their people, and what you can do instead to turn your current headache into your next top performer.
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Tackling Tough Talks

podcast Jun 15, 2022
People Powered Business
Tackling Tough Talks
Hello and welcome to Episode 118 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today's episode we are talking about tackling tough talks with your team.
You know the conversations I mean, the one where you get a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach, the ones which give you heart palpitations at the thought of having them, that keep you up at night.
Whether it’s a performance management issue, a change in the business, a termination or anything else that is going to be a tough conversation with our team, we’ve all been in a situation where we have to have them, and maybe even try and avoid them!
However, avoiding those conversations in bad for business in many ways, which we unpack in this episode, and I also share with you a simple framework to follow next time you need to tackle a tough conversation with a team member.
As promised, you can get your free guide to tackling tough conversations here:
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Frustrated with an Employee? Here's why....

podcast Jun 08, 2022
People Powered Business
Frustrated with an Employee? Here's why....
Hello and welcome to Episode 117 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Is It Me Or Is It Them?
As mentioned on today’s episode, if you have a frustrating employee on your hands I have created a great new resource to help you identify what sort of problem you are dealing with, and the exact strategy you need to fix the problem.
Click here to get your free copy of the Guide -
Today we unpacked one of the biggest challenges we face as business owners – why we are frustrated with an employee!
The thing is, if we’re frustrated with an employee it’s always because they aren’t meeting our expectations – whether performance or behaviour based, things aren’t happening as we expected.
But – are we actually clear on what our expectations are? Have we clearly communicated and articulated them to our people? and are they realistic and reasonable for the person and the role? if not, the problem lies with us, not them.
Assuming we a...
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How To Motivate Disengaged Employees

podcast Jun 01, 2022
People Powered Business
How To Motivate Disengaged Employees
Hello and welcome to Episode 116 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we’re talking about something I get asked about at least once a week – how can I motivate a disengaged employee!
I know engagement sounds like one of those ‘HR faffy terms’ but it is a real thing, and it has a direct impact on a range of factors including performance, attendance, retention, and a whole host of other things. Today we delve into the definition of engagement and why it’s so important for our business
Plus I share 6 easy tips to re engaging unmotivated employees on your team.
Is It Me Or Is It Them?
As mentioned on today’s episode, if you have a challenging employee on your hands I have created a great new resource to help you identify what sort of problem you are dealing with, and the exact strategy you need to fix the problem.
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The Hidden Benefits of Investing in Training and Upskilling Your People

podcast May 25, 2022
People Powered Business
The Hidden Benefits of Investing in Training and Upskilling Your People
Hello and welcome to Episode 115 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we’re talking about the hidden benefits of investing in training, developing and upskilling your staff.
For a long time there has been a misconception that learning and skill development is an employees responsibility. But times have changed, and I’m going to challenge you on that. The reality is the skills that got the employee to us, and to where they are now, are likely not the skills that we need in them in the future, so it really is our responsibility to develop their skills and provide the training they will need to be successful in our workplace in the future.
For many businesses, training is seen as a cost, but when done correctly it really is an investment, not only in the individual employee, but in the business. Research shows us that a majority of Australian employees want to learn new skills, are concerned about their lack of skill development at work, and feel that their roles are ...
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Your People and Cyber Security Risks

podcast May 18, 2022
People Powered Business
Your People and Cyber Security Risks
Hello and welcome to Episode 114 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we have a guest joining us, Michael Trimblett – Ethical Hacker and Small Business Cyber Security expert.
Today Michael shares with us his expert knowledge about how small businesses can and should be protecting themselves from cyber security risks, and what we need to know about where our risks lie.
Importantly Michael points out that people are our biggest risk points, and also that having the right people in terms of providers to support us is critical to protecting our businesses.
Michael was kind enough to share a number of resources with us, you can locate those here:
An Invitation
Would you like to connect with other like-minded business owners, leaders and managers experiencing similar situations with their team? Join the disc...
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You Encourage What You Tolerate

podcast May 11, 2022
People Powered Business
You Encourage What You Tolerate
Hello and welcome to Episode 113 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we’re discussing something that I know is a constant challenge for business owners, leaders and manager alike – it’s setting and upholding boundaries.
We really aren’t great at it, and today we discuss some of the reasons for that, as well as why boundaries are so important and what type of boundaries you might want to put in place.
As Tom Landy says “You get what you demand, and you encourage what you tolerate” and the key message there is that it’s what we tolerate that becomes the challenge. When we tolerate performance, behaviour, or anything else that is not acceptable, we are only encouraging it to continue.
An Invitation
Would you like to connect with other like-minded business owners, leaders and managers experiencing similar situations with their team? Join the discussion inside our free Facebook Group – HR Support for Australian Businesses.
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Why 46% of New Hires Fail

podcast May 04, 2022
People Powered Business
Why 46% of New Hires Fail
Hello and welcome to Episode 112 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we’re unpacking a staggering statistic – that is that 46% of new hires fail! That’s right – almost half of all new hires don’t make it through their first 18 months.
Now that’s a shocking number at the best of times, but in an environment where businesses have resorted to ‘panic hiring’ due to the lack of applicants in the market, it becomes even more concerning that there is a higher chance you’ll find yourself in this situation.
In today’s episode I share the 3 magic ingredients you need to ensure successful hiring decisions and be on the right side of the numbers. It really is this simple, and comes down to 3 key things:
  • Creating the right role;
  • Hiring at the right time;
  • Finding the right person, someone that has the skills, motivation and is a great fit.
Without all 3 it’s pot luck at best – so they are really important ingredients to consider.
Also mentioned in today’s episode...
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3 Ways to Create the Clarity Your People Crave

podcast Apr 27, 2022
People Powered Business
3 Ways to Create the Clarity Your People Crave
Hello and welcome to Episode 111 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we’re chatting about something that I was quite surprised I hadn’t already covered here on the podcast – clarity. When it comes to running a successful business clarity is absolutely king, but when it comes to our staff we sometimes aren’t so great at being clear. We fear that it makes us ‘mean’ or ‘bossy’ but actually clarity is what our people want.
When we aren’t clear with our people about what is expected from them, we are actually doing them a disservice.
Today I share with you 3 things you can do right now to create clarity for your team, and ultimately to help the business.
The first thing is to get clear on your organisational structure by doing the Clean Slate Exercise, you can check out more on that here.
The second thing is to get clear on roles and responsibilities by updating or creating Position Descriptions. You can learn more about creating Position Descriptions her...
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Free Employment Contract Checklist

Get your free checklist and discover exactly what should (and what shouldn't) be in your employment contracts.