The Latest from Kristy-Lee

How to Lead with Confidence: Lessons from a Difficult Conversation

blog Sep 27, 2023

Navigating Uncharted Waters

Have you ever found yourself in a conversation so uncomfortable and challenging that it haunted your thoughts for years? It may have left you questioning your leadership abilities and replaying the scenario in your mind, wondering what you could have done differently.


13 years ago, I had a difficult conversation that forever changed my approach to communicating with my team. This conversation taught me invaluable lessons about leadership, difficult conversations, and the courage to lead confidently.


Picture this: It was an ordinary Friday afternoon – when I should have been home with my baby. Instead, I was at the office, facing a situation that would shake me to my core. I was leading a growing team, and on that Friday, I was about to have one of the most challenging conversations of my professional life.


Little did I know that this encounter would become a cornerstone in my journey as a business leader.



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Why Coaches and Mentors are an Essential Small Business Investment

podcast Sep 27, 2023
People Powered Business
Why Coaches and Mentors are an Essential Small Business Investment

Hello and welcome to Episode 185 of the People Powered Business Podcast.

Today I am chatting about coaches and mentors for small business owners and why we should all have some!

Coaches and mentors are incredibly powerful in supporting us as small business owners, yet I know many of us are reluctant to invest in ourselves by getting a coach or mentor for something we might be struggling with.

Today we talk about the reasons for that, and why investing in ourselves is the best investment for our business.

Do you engage coaches and mentors in your small business? I’d love to know. Let us know inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can learn more about what’s working for you and any challenges you might be having.

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The Conversation That Makes Me Cringe 13 Years Later (and the lessons it taught me).

podcast Sep 20, 2023
People Powered Business
The Conversation That Makes Me Cringe 13 Years Later (and the lessons it taught me).

Hello and welcome to Episode 184 of the People Powered Business Podcast.

Today I am sharing with you, warts and all, the details of a conversations I had with a staff member, more than 13 years ago, that to this day still makes me cringe.

It was one of the most difficult conversations I have ever had to have with a team member, and I learnt a lot from it.

Today I share with you the mistakes I made, and the lessons I learned so that you never have to go through this sort of experience with one of your team.

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Mastering Difficult Conversations at Work: 10 Types of Difficult Conversations

blog Sep 17, 2023

The unavoidable truth about difficult conversations


Mastering difficult conversations at work is an invaluable skill – especially for leaders – but do you know the ten most common types of difficult conversations?


While difficult conversations about performance management are definitely one of the most common types of difficult conversations we see in workplaces, they’re just the tip of the iceberg.


Business owners and leaders will encounter a wide range of challenging conversations with their teams, and knowing how to approach and navigate these difficult conversations is an invaluable skill.


So, while performance dramas are undoubtedly a significant part of the landscape regarding difficult discussions, it's a mistake to believe that these are the only challenging conversations you'll have as a leader in business.



The 10 Types of Difficult Conversations at Work


There are many reasons why avoiding difficult...

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The 10 Types of Difficult Conversations Every Business Owner Will Need to Master

podcast Sep 13, 2023
People Powered Business
The 10 Types of Difficult Conversations Every Business Owner Will Need to Master

Hello and welcome to Episode 183 of the People Powered Business Podcast.

Today we’re talking about difficult conversations, and the 10 types every business owner will need to have with one of their team, at some stage.

Despite our misconception, difficult conversations aren’t just about performance dramas. They can be about anything from salary negotiations to delegating a task, so what happens when we don’t give the other types of conversations the same time and attention?

In today’s episode we unpack the risks of not giving these other types of conversations you attention, and I uncover the 10 types of difficult conversations that every business owner will need to have, which span from the recruitment to the termination process.

If difficult conversations are something you struggle with, I’d love you to join me for the Mastering Difficult Conversations Workshop which kicks off 18th September, just click this link to find out more:


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The Value of a Code of Conduct

blog Sep 06, 2023


Policies that support your business and team


If you run a business or an organisation, the Code of Conduct is one policy you want to invest in.

Creating policies for your business might not be the most exciting task, we get it – but some guidelines are essential, and this is one of them.


Having a code underpins and informs almost everything your business does, from communication best practices to acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. In this blog post, we explore what a Code of Conduct is, where and why it's useful, and how it can significantly benefit your business.


What is a Code of Conduct?


A Code of Conduct is a formal document that outlines the guiding principles, standards, and behavioural expectations for all team members within your organisation. It serves as a set of rules and guidelines that govern interactions, communications, and behaviour...

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Mastering Team Meetings - How to Hold Meetings that Spark Engagement and Arenā€™t Just About You Talking with Cat Matson

podcast Sep 06, 2023
People Powered Business
Mastering Team Meetings - How to Hold Meetings that Spark Engagement and Arenā€™t Just About You Talking with Cat Matson

Hello and welcome to Episode 182 of the People Powered Business Podcast.

Today we’re talking ‘team meetings’. We all know we need to have them right? Yet so often they feel like a waste of time, or like many members of People Powered HR recently said, they are sick of hearing their own voice in team meetings and wished their teams would participate and engage.

So how can we hold meetings that matter, that have impact, that people participate and engage in, and that aren’t all about us just talking?

To help find the answers I thought I’d get an expert in to chat to us.

I’m thrilled to be joined by Cat Matson of Impactful Presenters. Cat is the CEO and Lead Facilitator of Impactful Presenters, empowering business owners and community leaders to speak with confidence, authority, authenticity and impact. A popular and accomplished Speaker, MC and Moderator, Cat is known for her straight-talking, 'realness' and extracting 'the juice' from her clients.

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The Value of a Code of Conduct

podcast Aug 30, 2023
People Powered Business
The Value of a Code of Conduct

Hello and welcome to Episode 181 of the People Powered Business Podcast.

Today we’re talking about a Code of Conduct and why they are so valuable to have in your business.

A code of conduct is a formal document that outlines the guiding principles, standards, and behavioural expectations for individuals within a business.

It serves as a set of rules and guidelines that govern the conduct and interactions of employees, management, and other stakeholders associated with the business.

A well-structured code of conduct is designed to promote ethical behaviour, create a positive work environment, and ensure consistency in decision-making across the organisation.

For me it’s super valuable in articulating ‘this is how we do things around here’.

I’d love to hear about whether you have a Code of Conduct in place, and whether you’re finding it to be a valuable resource, so I’d love you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for...

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Changes to the Parental Leave Pay Scheme

blog Aug 28, 2023

Understanding changes to the parental leave pay scheme as an employer

If you run a business with staff,  keeping up with compliance is one of the most important things to be on top of.

The Parental Leave Pay scheme is a significant pillar of support for families. The recent changes represent a step toward greater flexibility and inclusivity, recognising the diverse dynamics of modern families.

To ensure you stay up to date with current changes to compliance, we’re covering the recent changes to the Parental Leave Pay Scheme. If you have team members who have recently had a child or adopted a child, or you have team members who will be going through that process in the future, the details we cover below will be beneficial.


What is the parental leave pay scheme?   

The Parental Leave Pay Scheme can be a bit confusing for the uninitiated, primarily because even though it has the word ‘leave’ in the name, it’s not actually a type of leave....

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Leading and Leveraging Different Generations at Work with Juliet Robinson

podcast Aug 23, 2023
People Powered Business
Leading and Leveraging Different Generations at Work with Juliet Robinson

Hello and welcome to Episode 180 of the People Powered Business Podcast.

In today’s episode I am sharing a previous conversation Juliet Robinson and I had on the Grow Your Influence Podcast.

Recently I have had a lot of business owners ask about leading different generations at work, and how to understand and motivate each generation.

This discussion is one Juliet and I had some time ago, probably a little over a year, but it’s still really relevant and valuable.

Stay tuned as we will have some new episodes on generational differences at work really soon.

I’d love to hear about your experiences with managing and leading different generations at work. I’d love you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Businesses, so I can learn more about what’s working for you and any challenges you might be having.

Join Here -

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