The Latest from Kristy-Lee

You Are Not Responsible for This

podcast Feb 07, 2024
People Powered Business
You Are Not Responsible for This

Hello and welcome to Episode 204 of the People Powered Business Podcast!

In this episode we tackle a topic that many business leaders grapple with: the balance between genuine support for employees and taking on responsibilities that aren't rightfully theirs.

Today's episode dives deep into the tendency to feel responsible for every aspect of your employees' lives, from their career growth to their personal happiness.

I addresses the common pitfalls of assuming responsibilities that extend beyond the scope of our role as a business owner. The episode highlights that the happiness of your employees is not your sole responsibility. This may challenge conventional wisdom, but I contend that allowing individuals to take ownership of their happiness is vital for their personal growth.

The discussion unfolds into recognizing the signs of responsibility creep, where leaders find themselves being quasi-counselors or life coaches instead of focusing on their core responsibilities. I draw on...

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The Non-Boss Boss: Are You Avoiding Being the Boss in Your Business

blog Feb 05, 2024

As business owners and leaders, we often find ourselves spending our entire day dealing with people, managing their needs, and navigating the complexities of teamwork.


But what happens when we slip into the mindset of a non-boss boss?


When we started our journey into entrepreneurship or embarked on our careers, we may not have anticipated that managing people would consume so much of our time.

Yet, as business owners and leaders, we often find ourselves overwhelmed by the responsibility of dealing with our team members.

The desire to avoid conflict, lack of clear direction, and the tendency to please everyone can push us towards becoming a non-boss boss – and there are clear reasons why this is ineffective for you, your team and your business or organisation.


Understanding the Non-Boss Boss Mindset

The non-boss boss is characterised by a hands-off approach to leadership. They avoid conflict, lack clear direction, say yes to everyone, and struggle to...

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The Importance of Holistic Health and Wellbeing with Dr Masi

podcast Jan 31, 2024
People Powered Business
The Importance of Holistic Health and Wellbeing with Dr Masi

Hello and welcome to Episode 203 of the People Powered Business Podcast!

In this weeks episode I had the pleasure of being joined by Dr Masi Njawaya of Her Self Health.

Dr Masi is a Sport, Exercise & Lifestyle Physician, Medical doctor, health coach and advocate.

She is the Founder of Herself Health which is a Leadership Health & Wellbeing company working with business owners, entrepreneurs, leaders and teams to empower them to be the best versions of themselves by being holistically healthy.

In todays’ discussion we unpack Dr Masi’s journey to become a medical Doctor, and what she discovered along the way about the importance of prioritising her health and wellbeing to achieve more, in less time and by prioritising the things that were important for her.

Dr Masi generously shares with us the challenges she sees business owners consistently face, and some great, practical strategies we can all start implementing straight away across her 5 key pillars for health.

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5 Top Tips for Effective Team Planning Sessions

blog Jan 29, 2024

Why are planning sessions so crucial to your team?

There’s a reason why Simon Sinek’s Start With Why upended the world of leadership and business when he hit the mainstream with both this talk and the book.

For a long time, the focus in the workplace was on outcomes without connecting their people to the why of those outcomes. We soon realised by using Simon’s framework, that connecting people to the core of why the business exists and exactly how their role impacts the world created stronger relationships, better outcomes, and more innovative thinking.

A fundamental aspect of connecting your people to your business why is running effective team planning sessions. From this connection grows a rich dynamic for your team – but without a well-structured planning session you could be missing out on leveraging the best from your people.


People want purpose.

People want clarity.

People want to belong.


Understanding these driving motivators, and...

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5 Top Tips for Effective Team Planning Sessions

blog Jan 29, 2024

Why are planning sessions so crucial to your team?


There’s a reason why Simon Sinek’s Start With Why upended the world of leadership and business when he hit the mainstream with both this talk and the book.


For a long time, the focus in the workplace was on outcomes without connecting their people to the why of those outcomes. We soon realised by using Simon’s framework, that connecting people to the core of why the business exists and exactly how their role impacts the world created stronger relationships, better outcomes, and more innovative thinking.


A fundamental aspect of connecting your people to your business why is running effective team planning sessions. From this connection grows a rich dynamic for your team – but without a well-structured planning session you could be missing out on leveraging the best from your people.


People want purpose.

People want clarity.

People want to belong.


Understanding these...

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My Word of the Year and Why You Should Have One Too

podcast Jan 24, 2024
People Powered Business
My Word of the Year and Why You Should Have One Too

Hello and welcome to Episode 202 of the People Powered Business Podcast!

Today on the podcast we are talking about a ‘word of the year’. Do you have one? Is this something you have heard of before and what do you think of it?

Today I share why you might want to have a word of the year. For those who don’t love this particular framework I have some alternative options to share.

Lastly I share with you my word of the year and why it’s important and what it all means!!

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe, leave a review, and share it with your network.

An Invitation

Would you like to connect with other like-minded business owners, leaders and managers experiencing similar situations with their team? Join the discussion inside our free Facebook Group – HR Support for Australian Businesses -

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How I Plan for a Successful Year with My Team: Key Strategies for Business Owners

blog Jan 22, 2024

The Importance of Intentional Planning

As a business owner, it is crucial to approach the planning process with intentionality and avoid doing things for the sake of it. Setting clear goals and objectives for the team and allocating resources accordingly is critical to the success of the year. By planning ahead, you as the business owner can ensure that your strategies are aligned with your vision and avoid any unnecessary detours (or those pesky shiny objects!).


Creating Space for Effective Planning

For me personally, effective planning requires space. If I am going to plan effectively, it’s important that I create space and step away from the day-to-day work.

Personally, I prefer to plan in a different location, away from her usual working zone. This change of environment allows for more creative thinking and a fresh perspective. I really believe that by breaking away from routine, business owners can tap into their creativity and think outside the box. It is...

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Setting Yourself and Your Team Up for Success This Year

podcast Jan 17, 2024
People Powered Business
Setting Yourself and Your Team Up for Success This Year

Hello and welcome to Episode 201 of the People Powered Business Podcast!

In todays’ episode we delve into the essential topic of kickstarting the new year on a successful note. The episode kicks off with gratitude for the special live cast celebration of the 200th episode and exciting plans for upcoming 'ask me anything' segments.

In this episode we explore the foundational idea that success starts with the individual. Using the analogy of the oxygen mask on an airplane, we discuss the cascading effects on leadership and communication when personal well-being is neglected. The episode also introduces three powerful reflection questions designed to guide listeners in setting meaningful goals. Finally, we look at the connection between personal success and building a successful team.

Take a listen to the full episode for valuable insights on prioritizing personal well-being, the benefits of aligning personal and professional goals, and practical steps for mapping personal...

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The 1 Thing Successful Leaders Prioritise

blog Jan 15, 2024

Ever heard the saying ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup’? If you have, how much attention have you paid to it? If you’re like me, and many other business owners and entrepreneurs I know, you’re pretty good at putting your head in the sand on this one, think it doesn’t apply to you, and, most likely, think it’s extraordinarily selfish to even consider the fact that perhaps looking after yourself needs to be a priority.


I was the ‘poster child’ for over working.

Here’s the thing, like many of you, I spent my career, and my life, looking after everyone else first. Squeezing in time to replenish my mind, look after my health or do anything for my mental wellness was at best just that – squeezing it in around everything else. And by the most part that was a pretty successful approach. I had a thriving, fast growing and successful business, everyone was well looked after and life was good. I was juggling all of the...

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Celebrating 200 Episodes with an 'Ask Me Anything' Live Stream

podcast Jan 10, 2024
People Powered Business
Celebrating 200 Episodes with an 'Ask Me Anything' Live Stream

Hello and welcome to Episode 200 of the People Powered Business Podcast!

To celebrate this milestone episode, we live streamed this episode last week as a special ‘ask me anything’ session and got some great questions.

Everything from:

·       How a small business can be a great place to work and compete with all the perks the big businesses can offer;

·      What have been the most downloaded episodes of the podcast so far;

·       What is the biggest hiring mistake small business owners make;

·       How can I get my people to take ownership and responsibility for their roles;

·       How can I better navigate the switch from ‘employee’ to ‘employer’;

·       When should a small business start to think...

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