The Latest from Kristy-Lee

Sales Team Success with Frances Pratt

podcast Oct 28, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 33 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we had a special guest join us on the Podcast, the amazing Frances Pratt from Metisan. Fran joined us to talk all about our sales people and sales teams, and specifically around hiring and effectively onboarding great sales people, setting them and your business up for success.
If you enjoyed Fran’s interview and would like to connect with her you can do that here: - or 
As promised, Fran has prepared a Sales Team Success Pathway framework for you, grab your copy here - Get My Sales Team Success Pathway
If you’d like to reach out to us with feedback or suggestions or ideas about future topics for the podcast you can reach us on Facebook at or you can email Kristy-Lee directly at [email protected]
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Your People Pathway

podcast Oct 21, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 32 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we spoke about the journey an employee takes within your organisation, using a framework I refer to as the PEOPLE pathway.
Simply that involves the following core structure:
  • Plan
  • Employ
  • Onboard
  • Protect
  • Leverage
  • Exit
Following this journey you will ensure that you are maximising the success of the employment relation ship, and what is important to your team when.
We will unpack more detail on each of these steps in the journey in future episodes, today provided you with the over arching concept so that you can review where you sit currently and identify what you may need to work on.
If you’d like to reach out to us with feedback or suggestions or ideas about future topics for the podcast you can reach us on Facebook at or you can email Kristy-Lee directly at [email protected]
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Stellar Staff Retention Strategies

podcast Oct 14, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 31 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Todays episode is Part 2 of a 2 part series on staff retention. In todays episode, Stellar Staff Retention Strategies we got down to the nitty gritty and looked at simple, practical and implementable retention strategies that you can put in place in your small to medium sized business really easily.
We recapped last weeks episode, which laid the foundations for today, if you haven’t yet listened to that episode you can do there here - Retention Reimagined
I shared with you in today's episode my 3 categories of retention strategies specifically for small to medium sized businesses, those with less than 100, and quite often less than 50 employees. These categories are Making Great Decision, Harnessing Greatness and Rewards and Recognition, and within each category there are a myriad of specific strategies that we discussed.
Also in today’s episode I...
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Retention Re-imagined

podcast Oct 07, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 30 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today's episode is Part 1 of a 2 part series on staff retention. In todays episode, retention re-imagined, we look at better understating the concept of retention, and the key reasons it’s an important metric for businesses of all sizes to be aware of. We discuss the retention – engagement relationship and unpack some of the most common retention killers.
Join us next week for part 2 where I share the 3 core categories of retention initiatives which can work in SME’s as well as corporates, highlight some simple but super effective ways that businesses with fewer than 100 staff can implement low cost but high value retention strategies.
Also in today’s episode I let you know that the wait list for Your People Powered Business is now open, you can join the wait list here:
If you’d like to reach out to us with feedback or suggestions...
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If you don't expect too much from me, you might not be let down

podcast Sep 30, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 29 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In todays episode we talked about expectations, both those you have of your staff and those your team have of you. I shared with you one of my all time favourite lines from a song “If you don’t expect too much from me, you might not be let down” (Gin Blossoms - Hey Jealousy), and how I see this show up so often in workplaces.
Often, when there is an issue at work, with a team member or with anything, the root cause can be traced back to the expectation that was set – it was unrealistic, and therefore setting you and them up for failure, and ultimately the snow ball of that breakdown in the working relationship can be catastrophic.
We discuss when you need to set expectations and some practical strategies for setting realistic and measurable expectations. We also referred to a previous episode where I interviewed Shandra Moran from The Transit Lounge and we discussed...
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HR: Detailed but not Difficult

podcast Sep 23, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 28 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Before diving in to today’s show I shared with you a recap about the little secret project that I first mentioned on last weeks show, and that is that our brand new program to help you design, build, nurture and grow Your People Powered Business is on its way!
I am super excited about this; it’s based on an idea that has been swimming around in my head for years but getting the mix right has taken some time to really solidify in my brain. However, what we are creating is the first of its kind and I can not wait to bring it to life! If you want to be the first to know all of the details, you can join the waitlist here: Join The Waitlist
In today's episode I share with you one thing I believe and know to be true, and that is for small to medium sized businesses the task of managing people, and the human resources function requires some detail, but should not be difficult.
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Purpose Driven Leadership

podcast Sep 16, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 27 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today’s episode we discussed Purpose Driven Leadership. We looked at what it is, why it’s important and how you can tap into your purpose to lead your team and create greater business success.
We also discussed 2 fantastic books and promised to put the details of those in today’s show notes. Those books were:
We talked also about employee engagement today, and how purpose driven leaders and businesses have high employee engagement, to listen to our episode on employee engagement you can simply click here - Understanding Employee Engagement
Also in today’s show I shared with you more about the little secret that I told you about last week, and that is that our brand new program to help you design, build, nurture and grow Your People Powered Business is on its way!
I am super...
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Sometimes the rules irritate me too

podcast Sep 09, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 26 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
At the beginning of todays episode I let you in on a little secret, and whilst we are still about 8 weeks away from launching I wanted to let you know that our brand new program to help you design, build, nurture and grow your People Powered Business is on its way!
I am super excited about this, it’s based on an idea that has been swimming around in my head for years, but getting the mix right has taken some time to really solidify in my brain. However, what we are creating is the first of it’s kind and I can not wait to bring it to life! If you want to be the first to know all of the details, you can join the wait list here - Join The Wait List Now
Today I am sharing with you some of my ‘pet peeves’ when it comes to workplace legislation in Australia. The things that really just frustrate me and get under my skin, because they create unnecessary...
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Introvert, Extrovert or Ambivert?

podcast Sep 02, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 25 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we discuss the differences between introverts and extroverts, and uncover a third group of people known as our ambiverts.
In this episode we look at the characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of both introverts and extroverts and how you can get the most out of each in the workplace. We look at the type of work and projects they will thrive doing and those that will deplete them as they work.
In addition we better understand the attributes of Ambiverts and how you an identify them and harness their unique mix of talents.
If you’d like to reach out to us with feedback or suggestions or ideas about future topics for the podcast you can reach us on Facebook at or you can email Kristy-Lee directly at [email protected]
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Writing the Right Ad

podcast Aug 26, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 24 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we discuss how to create amazing recruitment advertisements to ensure you attract the right applicants for your business and this unique role. Attracting staff is effectively a marketing campaign, where it’s your job to position your business in a way that appeals to the right candidates and repels the job seekers who aren’t right for the role.
As promised, we have a completely free guide to creating the perfect job advertisement, and you can get your copy right here:
If you’d like to reach out to us with feedback or suggestions or ideas about future topics for the podcast you can reach us on Facebook at or you can email Kristy-Lee directly at [email protected]
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