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When Is a Contractor Not a Contractor?

podcast Sep 01, 2021
People Powered Business
When Is a Contractor Not a Contractor?
Hello and welcome to Episode 77 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today I am bringing you a snippet from a longer interview I recently conducted with Charted Accountant Warwick Jackson, where he shared the accountants perspective of when a contractor is not a contractor.
Warwick is a Chartered Accountant & Business Advisor with The Fox Group, and he has a passion for helping small business owners increase profitability, cash flow & quality of life.
​He gets no greater thrill than helping small business owners grow their business, increase profitability, & improve cash flow to the point that it delivers an amazing life for its owners.
When not helping entrepreneurs or playing football, Warwick I can be normally be found on the beaches of the NSW Central Coast with his wife and young family.
Warwick’s podcast is called Get to the Contest, and you can catch his latest episodes here -
In todays discussion Warwick and I talk a...
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8 Simple Steps to Delegating with Ease

blog Aug 25, 2021

As a leader and manager, someone who employs people and is building a team, the ability to successfully delegate tasks, responsibilities and authority is, or will become, critical to your ability to grow and develop your business.

However, it’s a skill that often we struggle with. Even those who can delegate, often don’t do it as effectively as they could, and for those who own their own businesses, and are building their own team, this can be a really tough art to master, because it involves letting go, and releasing control.

Put simply, delegation is the action of assigning responsibility for the completion of a task to another person. Typically, you as the delegator maintain the responsibility for the task being completed, although you may, depending on the circumstances, delegate the authority up to a certain level as well. So, you delegate the ‘doing’ but still need to ensure the doing gets done.

As your business grows, delegation becomes critical, you will ultimately become a ...

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The 6 Real Reasons You Have Performance Issues

podcast Aug 25, 2021
People Powered Business
The 6 Real Reasons You Have Performance Issues
Hello and welcome to Episode 76 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
There is no doubt that poor performance, performance issues and underperformance are the #1 headaches for business owners and managers when it comes to leading their team.
Some studies have found that businesses can spend 1 day each week managing performance – not the best use of anyone’s time I am sure you can agree. If you’ve found yourself spending 80% of your time managing 20% of your team (and not the top performers), you’ll know what I mean.
Whilst the signs of performance issues can be varied and there are literally millions of ways this may show up at work, there is something I have discovered after working with businesses on their HR over the last 20 years. That is, at the heart of it, there are only 6 core reasons and causes of performance issues.
No matter what the behaviour or performance challenge, they all lead back to one of these 6 core reasons.
In todays episode of the podcast I...
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Are You Telling Your Team What They Need to Know?

blog Aug 18, 2021

I was once asked what the #1 thing was I stood for when it came to how I show up and serve my clients in my business. What was my north star that I always without doubt did without question?


Without much thought I answered, ‘I tell people what they need to know, not what they want to hear’, in fact I honestly and openly tell business owners that when we start working together. I let them know that sometimes I might need to have discussions with them which they may not want to hear, but it’s what they need to know in order to move their business forward. I honestly feel as though I have an obligation, a moral obligation to do this – because anything else just isn’t honest and without honesty, I can’t possibly give them the support they are seeking in their business.


I was considering this recently and was reflecting on how this behaviour shows up in business owners and managers. I know from my own experience that it’s a whole lot easier to show this kind of unapologetic honesty ...

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Are You Telling Your Team What They Need to Know?

podcast Aug 18, 2021
People Powered Business
Are You Telling Your Team What They Need to Know?
Hello and welcome to Episode 75 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we’re talking about something pretty close to my heart, in fact, if you asked me the #1 truth that I believe I must honour in my business and life, it’s that I have a responsibility to tell people what they need to know, and not what they want to hear. Not sure where this came from exactly, it’s just something I have always known to be true – may have gotten me in trouble once or twice at school.
Growing up, were you the type of kid who spoke your mind or were you more agreeable? Did you question, argue and stand up for what you truly believed in, or were you more inclined to keep the peace and the status quo? I was definitely the sort of person, from a very young age, that had no problem speaking my mind, with complete honesty, and sometime with little regard to peoples feelings, because I believe in unapologetic honesty.
Now once or twice along the way I might have strayed from this, and play...
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The 6 Real Reasons You Have Performance Issues

blog Aug 11, 2021

One of the key frustrations and pain points I hear about from business owners, leaders and managers is around an employee not performing. Either very directly simply failing to get their job done, or more covertly just not quite meeting the mark, or frustratingly just walking the line of getting things done – just – it’s constant frustration.


Quite often we feel frustrated because our Industrial Relations landscape is quite firmly focused on employees, and protecting their rights, leaving businesses with a whole lot of tricky red tape to deal with in managing underperformance, especially when termination may be on the cards. However, what might be really causing our frustration is the fact that we don’t really understand why on earth they can’t just do their job.


If you’ve ever found yourself wanting to bang your head against a wall wondering why they aren’t just doing what you need them to – you’ll know exactly what I mean.


Instead of getting frustrated, which will ultimat...

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The 5 People You Must Have Around You - With Loretta Hart

podcast Aug 11, 2021
Hello and welcome to Episode 74 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we welcomed a special guest to the podcast, Happiness Mentor – Loretta Hart.
Loretta has previously owned and operated small businesses across various sectors and understands that the journey of business should bring joy and happiness, not just the end result or outcome of business. Today she wears many hats, including being a happiness mentor where she loves nothing more than helping chics find their happy.
Loretta loves working with business owners to find their happy, and knows in business this can only happen when we know:
  • where we are headed
  • what we want to convey to the world
  • what our next step is
She has a gift for working with people to pull out all of the really important bits of information, and laying it out in front of them to help them see what’s really possible.
Whilst often on the podcast we’re talking about the people we bring into our teams, in todays episode we’re ...
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The One Thing Successful Leaders Prioritise

blog Aug 04, 2021

Ever heard the saying ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup’? If you have, how much attention have you paid to it? If you’re like me, and many other business owners and entrepreneurs I know, you’re pretty good at putting your head in the sand on this one, think it doesn’t apply to you, and, most likely, think it’s extraordinarily selfish to even consider the fact that perhaps looking after yourself needs to be a priority.

Here’s the thing, like many of you, I spent my career, and my life, looking after everyone else first. Squeezing in time to replenish my mind, look after my health or do anything for my mental wellness was at best just that – squeezing it in around everything else. And by the most part that was a pretty successful approach. I had a thriving, fast growing and successful business, everyone was well looked after and life was good. I was juggling all of the things, working all the hours and truly thought I was smashing it – I building my empire (yes literally that was my man...

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Navigating Uncertainty With Your Team

podcast Aug 04, 2021
People Powered Business
Navigating Uncertainty With Your Team
Hello and welcome to Episode 73 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we’re talking about something that might be useful to many of you right about now – navigating uncertain times with your team.
Let’s face it, the one thing that’s become certain over the last 18 months is uncertainty. Whilst it’s no one’s favourite environment to thrive in, it is reality, so how can you as the business owner or leader help your team through these times?
In todays episode I share my 5 top tips for navigating uncertain times with your team:
  • Remember the power of a pause;
  • Communicate clearly, openly, transparently and regularly;
  • Act swiftly and promptly in a considered and measured way;
  • Keep your team connected;
  • Be future focused.
As mentioned in todays episode, I have an invitation for you.
If you’d like to connect with other businesses who are also juggling the challenges of teams, I’d love you to join us inside our free Facebook Group, HR Support for Australian Bu...
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Leading Your Team When You’re Having a Bad Day

blog Jul 28, 2021

There is this common misconception in leadership books, amongst leadership gurus and in the advice we hear – and that is that when you’re a leader, you aren’t allowed to have a bad day. You can’t be off your game, you can’t be feeling blah and you certainly can’t let anyone in on that.


I call BS on that.


We’re human, whether we run a business, or lead a team within a business, you have days when you’d to be honest, rather just not have to deal with people. Of course most of us don’t have that luxury – we have to show up for our team and get some work done. However, that doesn’t mean that you need to put on an act, pretend that you’re fine when you’re not or not acknowledge that you’re just not having the best day – for whatever reason.


In fact, doing this sets the wrong example for our team. If someone on your team is feeling a little off, or is otherwise distracted, for any reason, as a leader you want to know. Having this knowledge helps you to know what to task them with...

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Get your free checklist and discover exactly what should (and what shouldn't) be in your employment contracts.Â