The Latest from Kristy-Lee

Business Owners Mental Health and Wellbeing with Leanne Faulkner

podcast Apr 10, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 5 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today's episode we have our first guest interview, Leanne Faulkner – Founder of Fortitude at Work.
Join me as I discuss with Leanne the impact of mental health on small to medium sized business owners, talk through some strategies and tactics she recommends and uncover the importance of you as the business owner taking care of your own wellbeing for the good of you and your business.
If you’d like to connect with Leanne her website is:
As promised we also have some great resource pages for you to take a look at if you’d like to get some advice or see what support is out there, these are:
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Remote Work Success Secrets

podcast Apr 08, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 4 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today's episode we discuss how to successfully implement great remote work arrangements whilst maintaining productivity and engagement.
Join me as I walk you through my step by step guide to creating effective work from home arrangements and discuss your role as a leader when transitioning to remote work. In addition, we unpack some sanity saving tips for anyone who is new to remote work, especially when working from home.
If you are looking to set up remote and work from home arrangements for your business I’ve created an easy to follow step by step guide to help you get started. Download your free copy here:
Next weeks episode is one you definitely don’t want to miss! I’ll be interviewing Leanne Faulkner, founder of Fortitude at Work, join me to learn about Leanne’s story and the great work...
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Understanding Employee Engagement

podcast Apr 01, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 3 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today's episode we discuss Employee Engagement.
We investigate what it is, how to identify highly engaged employees and the warning signs to look out for with disengaged employees in your business.
To help you with implementing some really simple changes within your business to improve employee engagement I have created this free download for you with 8 ways to improve engagement with your team, click here to get your free copy:
Join us next week as we discuss how to create great working from home arrangements for you and your team, and how to keep everyone engaged and productive whilst working remotely or from home.
As always, if you have questions, comments or would like to start a conversation head on over to Facebook where you can ask a question, make a comment or send me a message directly at ...
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Leading Through Crisis

podcast Mar 25, 2020

Hello and welcome to Episode 2 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today I was going to bring you our Episode on Employee Engagement, however due to recent events I decided to park that episode to next week, and instead speak with you about what we’re currently facing.
Australia, along with the rest of the world, is currently in the midst of the COVID-19 or Coronavirus Pandemic. We are in a state of crisis and the information we have is changing by the hour.
I was discussing with a group of business owners yesterday what we could do during these times, and it became really clear that what businesses, and the world, needs during these times, more than ever is great leaders.
So in this episode we explore some of the traits and tactics exceptional leaders need to display right now, the strategies of leadership that are important always, but during times of difficulty and crisis more important than ever before.
If you have questions,...
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Hire The Right Person The First Time

podcast Mar 24, 2020

Did you know that nearly 46% of new hires fail? Almost half! If you have ever been through a recruitment process for it only to end in disaster you will know the pain, frustration, cost and time associated with having to start the process again.
The good news is it doesn’t have to be this way! By following a few fundamental tips that I share in this episode you can really simply increase the success of your recruitment project and hire the right person the first time for your business!
Join us in this episode as we uncover my top 7 tips to hiring the right people for your business, and learn how you can easily implement those tactic when you next need to employ a new team member.
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Secure Your Place for Just $47

In this 90 minute Masterclass you will learn the exact step by step process to conducting reviews that inspire action and drive performance, even if i's something you've struggled with or avoided in the past.