The Latest from Kristy-Lee

Why Curiosity is Your Secret Super Power

blog Apr 20, 2022

Were you like me, and one of those kids who would ask ‘why?’ all… the… time?


My parents must have lost count of the number of times I said ‘but why’ and kept asking and asking and asking until I had a satisfactory answer, and I quite often didn’t.


As young ones we are naturally curious, some more than others, but we all have a natural curiosity, and it seems that as we grow older, wiser, more experienced, we stop leaning into that curiosity. We become quicker to make assumptions, to assume we know the answer, to make educated guesses. That serves us well some of the time, but a lack of curiosity can also have its downside – we miss things, we miss the truth, we make false assumptions, and we make decisions based off half-baked information.


I first witnessed this fading in true curiosity when completing a major research paper for my university studies, when I was studying criminology and forensic psychology. We were looking at the perception of crime in children, and specifi...

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Curiosity is Cool

podcast Apr 20, 2022
People Powered Business
Curiosity is Cool
Hello and welcome to Episode 110 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Ok so today I admit this is slightly left field to last weeks technical episode, but it’s something I have noticed that not enough people are tapping into when it comes to their teams.
That is their superpower of being curious. We all have the super power, but we forget to use it, we forget how valuable it is, and yet it’s free, and at our disposal.
When we get curious we ask better questions, we have better conversations, we get better information and ultimately this enables us to make better decisions.
Without curiosity we make assumptions, we join non existent dots and even worse we become apathetic.
Today I share with you why curiosity is cool and how you can leverage the power of curious conversations with your team.
An Invitation
Would you like to connect with other like-minded business owners, leaders and managers experiencing similar situation...
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Using IFA's To Protect Your Business

podcast Apr 13, 2022
People Powered Business
Using IFA's To Protect Your Business
Hello and welcome to Episode 109 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we’re getting a little technical and looking at one of the most underused, undervalued and overlooked HR documents that really are critical to protecting your business – the Individual Flexibility Agreement, or IFA.
If you have staff on your team who are covered by a Modern Award, and you don’t to everything 100% as per the Award, you probably need an IFA in place.
Whether you’re paying loaded rates to absorb allowances, you need flexibility as to when staff work, or you loathe paying staff more when they are on annual leave, an IFA is likely what you need.
An Invitation
Would you like to connect with other like-minded business owners, leaders and managers experiencing similar situations with their team? Join the discussion inside our free Facebook Group – HR Support for Australian Businesses.
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How to Attract Applicants in a Tough Market

blog Apr 06, 2022

Are you hiring right now, or have you tried to hire in the last few months? If you have, it’s likely that you’ve found it pretty tough! Perhaps usually you are inundated with applicants and right now it’s crickets… not even bad applications are coming through.


We are certainly seeing this trend across the board, from every corner of the Country and in every industry.


Business owners and managers alike are frustrated, desperate for help and uncertain how they can continue without more staff. Many are turning away work, re considering their business viability and increasingly working insane hours which will undoubtedly lead to burnout.


So, what’s the answer? Is there a way to actually find anyone right now?


Here’s the thing – what worked before simply won’t work now. Writing an average ad, throwing it on Seek and sharing it on your socials just won’t cut it. You not only won’t get quality applicants, you may very well get absolutely no applicants.


Right now, applicant...

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Attracting Great Applicants in the Current Market

podcast Apr 06, 2022
People Powered Business
Attracting Great Applicants in the Current Market
Hello and welcome to Episode 108 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we’re chatting about a challenge that I know many of you are facing right now – that is finding applicants in the current market. It’s tough out there, isn’t it?
The thing is, when it comes to finding great staff, what worked before simply won’t work now.
In today’s episode I shared 3 things that you need to consider right now in order to actually attract people to your business.
You firstly need to treat recruitment like a marketing activity, and write ads that compel the ideal person to take action and apply.
You also need to understand who your ideal applicant is, where they are hanging out and how to get in front of them.
Finally, you need to show – not tell, and where possible harness the power of video to demonstrate how great it is to work with you.
If you can do these 3 things, you’ll have the best chance of attracting great candidates in any market.
An Invitatio...
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Developing Our Emerging Leaders with Brett White

podcast Mar 30, 2022
People Powered Business
Developing Our Emerging Leaders with Brett White
Hello and welcome to Episode 107 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
In today's episode we are joined by Brett White, CEO of Be Leaders to discuss identifying and supporting emerging leaders in our organisations.
Brett has worked with hundreds of leaders across not only Australia but the globe, and works with organisations to help them develop their leaders, with a special passion for emerging leaders.
Brett is passionate about helping leaders, teams and organisations find their hidden potential. His hope is that as they develop a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them, they will create meaningful change.
Brett has worked with over 50 organisations and 350 leaders and influencers. He is accredited in Life Coaching, Thought Dynamics and Organisational Leadership and has run hundreds of face to face and online training workshops and keynote sessions throughout Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Singapore and Cambodia.
If you’d like to conne...
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3 Easy Ways To Get In Control Of Your HR

podcast Mar 23, 2022
People Powered Business
3 Easy Ways To Get In Control Of Your HR
Hello and welcome to Episode 106 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
As mentioned, from the 23rd to 30th March we are welcoming new businesses to People Powered HR. if you employ staff, but aren’t large enough to want or need an internal HR Manager, People Powered HR is for you. Check out all the details here:
In today’s episode, we’re uncovering 3 easy ways to get in control of your HR. Because here is the thing, if you’re not in control, someone else is, and that’s never ideal.
So whilst it may feel difficult, or you might prefer to stick your head in the sand, it’s critical that you are in control of the HR in your business.
The 3 simple ways you can get back in control of your HR are:
  • Actively create and cultivate your culture, show them how things should be done around here.
  • Get expert advice when you need it (because you wouldn’t get advice from your accountant about your car would you?)
  • Get across yo
  • ...
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Should You Sack Them or Save Them?

blog Mar 16, 2022

Should You Sack Them or Save Them?


Ever found yourself asking this question?


You have someone on your team who isn’t where you want them to be, but you’re torn. On one hand you really want to make it work, and continue doing more to turn them around. You know how difficult it is to find great staff, and recruitment is time consuming and costly. You want to avoid having to start a hiring process, but is it even possible to turn this person around, no matter how much you like them?


On the other hand, despite feeling like you can’t make it work, you don’t want to fire them! That requires confrontation, and what if you get it wrong? An Unfair Dismissal Claim doesn’t sound like a whole lot of fun.


You end up going around in circles asking yourself whether you should sack them or save them.


So, what’s the answer? How do you really know whether, with a little effort, this person might be your next super star, or whether you are wasting your time and theirs, because there i...

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Should You Sack Them Or Save Them?

podcast Mar 16, 2022
People Powered Business
Should You Sack Them Or Save Them?
Hello and welcome to Episode 105 of the People Powered Business Podcast!
Today we’re asking the tricky question – should you sack them or should you save them?
I’m sure we’ve all been in a situation where we’ve asked this question – can I turn this person around and is it worth the effort?
In today’s episode we chat about the 3 key ingredients every employee needs to be great for your team, and what happens when one of these ingredients is a little off, or totally missing. We also unpack how the scale of the missing ingredient, and the combination that may exist, help to inform our decisions about whether in fact we should sack them or save them.
In todays episode I was also excited to let you know about a Masterclass I’m hosting on the 23rd March 2022 – Sack Them or Save Them. In this free masterclass we will take a deeper dive into not only how to identify what type of problems you have on your team (and the right solution) but how you can take action to turn your cur...
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3 Simple but Powerful Ways to Motivate Your Team

blog Mar 09, 2022

How frustrating is it when you have someone on your team who you know has so much potential, is actually really great at their job and everyone really likes them - but it’s like they are just going through the motions? They get the job done, but only just, they certainly don’t show initiative and you just want to shake them because you know they are capable of so much more, of doing a much better job.


You know they are smart, capable, skilled and you’re frustrated that you’re not seeing their best.


Here's what you’re dealing with when it comes to these people – it’s not that they are lazy – they simply lack motivation.


Why is that your problem you ask? Well, you know how hard it is to find great staff right? So, you don’t want to exit them and have to go through the recruitment process again. Add to that the fact that by proactively working to improve motivation you are actually improving employee engagement – and that can result in a bottom like increase in profits of more...

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